The following 83 words could not be found in the dictionary of 615 words (including 615 LocalSpellingWords) and are highlighted below:

add   added   administrator   already   an   and   be   bit   box   by   can   configuration   Creation   creator   date   default   defaults   displayed   each   easier   editor   ending   example   Existent   existent   files   filled   fitting   For   for   hand   Help   in   information   insert   Instead   into   like   link   list   loads   make   more   must   name   named   new   non   Non   of   On   on   Page   page   pagename   pages   regex   requiring   see   setting   show   some   standard   structure   Template   template   Templates   templates   text   that   The   the   time   to   try   used   users   Variables   when   which   will   with   you  

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Help on Templates

Templates make it easier for users to add new pages. Instead of requiring that each bit of new information be added by hand, templates have some text and structure already filled in. Variables can be used to insert date, time, creator, pagename, and the like. (see HelpOnPageCreation for more)

A template page must be named with an ending fitting the standard template name ending (which defaults to "Template"). The administrator can change the default template name ending by setting "page_template_regex" in the configuration files. The new template page will be added to the list of template pages displayed when you try to show a non-existent page. For example, NonExistentHelpPage has a link to HelpTemplate that loads the content of HelpTemplate into the editor box, when you click on that link.

HelpOnTemplates (last modified 2007-01-22 09:11:30)