Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. When you turn power on to the Moog Source, it wakes up with Octave button "+1" set. If you use your Source primarily for bass, you have to manually push the Octave "0" button each time you turn it on. Likewise with the Memorymoog, which wakes up with Octave button "-1" active. Trouble is, the factory patches are set for Octave "0". To maintain convention, I program my patches with Octave "0". All you have to do is solder a 0.022uf nonpolarized cap across the Octave "0" button terminals, and they will wake up at Octave "0". Over time you will appreciate the convenience of this. What happens is that when power is off, the voltage across the cap diminishes to zero volts and stays there, effectively shorting the button contacts. When you turn power on, the voltage across the cap starts to rise to the power rail, but this rise is slow enough for the circuitry to sense a switch closure. Once the cap is charged up, the switch looks open and will act normally. By: Michael Caloroso moogmanuals/octavesw.txt Last modified: 2024/07/30 18:41by