Reference Guides

This page contains reference guides and tutorials that hope to cover many of the issues that many DIY'ers face. The information here has been accumulated by many DIY enthusiasts through practical experience! electronics.

This site strives to maintain accurate information so that everyone can obtain the best online DIY material possible! If you find that any information is wrong or needs better clarification, please E-Mail the curator with your concerns and, if possible, with corrections (preferrably with references) so that the errant information can be fixed!

If you find information on this page helpful, please send a kind email to the contributor responsible for the material. After all, quite a bit of time was spent making this information available to you!

The Capacitor Reference Guide

The OTA Reference Guide

The Resistor Trimming Guide

Soldering:Desoldering Tips

Voltage References

  • references.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/30 02:51
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