Korg Manuals

This page contains user and service manuals to various Korg products.

Korg MonoPoly Service Manual

Contributor – Patrik Eriksson

Korg MS-20 Service Manual

Contributor – Unknown

Korg PolySix Service Manual

Korg Polysix Service Manual

Contributor – Florian Anwander

Ben Ward's Korg Site -- Fabulous site dedictated to MS and PS synths!

Old Crow's Korg Polysix Upgrade & Repair Overview

Maxi-Korg Site -- Technical information, manuals, links broken

MS-20 Owners Manual

Analog Hell - MS-10 Service Manual and others

X3 Workstation Owners Manual

Zen Mono/Poly -- Excellent Mono/Poly resource!

Thanks go out to the following people for their contributions to this page:

Patrik Eriksson

Florian Anwander