Roland Manuals

This page contains user and service manuals to various Roland products.

Roland SH7 Service Notes

SH7 Service Notes

Contributor – Loscha

Roland SH5 Service Notes

SH5 Service Manual

Same as above but zipped jpgs

Note : PDF created from original JPGs using automation. Original zips available in case PDF has an issue I didn't see.

Contributor – Ken Stone

Roland Juno 106 Service Manual


Finding Bad Voice Chips

Contributor – Philip Pilgrim

Roland Jupiter 6 Calibration

Contributor – Philip Pilgrim

Roland PG-800 Schematics

Contributor – Unknown

Roland SH-101 Service Manual

Contributor – Philip Pilgrim

Roland TB-303 Schematic


Contributor – Kevin Lightner

Roland Manual Archive - Roland US has put quite a lot of info online.

GR-30 Clone

Juno-106 User and Service Manuals

Jupiter 6 Service Information

Jupiter 6 and Juno-106 Calibration and other information

Jupiter 8 Manuals and information

TB-303 Operational Manual

Thanks go out to the following people for their contributions to this page: