
Miscellaneous Manuals and Schematics

This page contains manuals and schematics to miscellaneous products and parts.

76488 Data Sheet
CA3280 Data Sheet

Page 1

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Page 7

Contributor – Harald Mundt

CEM 3310 Data Sheet

Page 1

Page 2

Page 3

Page 4

Contributor – Harald Mundt

CEM 3320 Data Sheet

Contributor – Harald Mundt

CEM 3340 Data Sheet

Contributor – Harald Mundt

1983 Speak-and-Spell

1983 S&S Schematic

Contributor – Unknown

Philbrick GAP:2 K2

Tube-based operational amplifier.

GAP/2-K2 - 3.3meg PDF.

Schematic of above

Contributer – The Electronic Peasant

Magnus Danielson's Buchla page

Synthesis Technology's CEM and SSM database

Roy J. Tellason's Parts Pages

Thanks go out to the following people for their contributions to this page:

  • Harald Mundt
  • Ken Stone
  • The Electronic Peasant
  • miscmanuals.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/07/31 23:16
  • by